Monthly Archives: December 2014

Joining a recruitment agency

Posted on December 31, 2014 at 10:29 am

With so many recruitment agencies out there it can be very confusing knowing which one to register with.

If you are looking for work in a particular sector there may be specific recruitment agencies that specialise in that field so it’s worth looking around.

Also you can look for reviews online of the different agencies to check if they have a good reputation from other people who have found work through them.

If you are looking for temp work it can be a good idea to register with a number of agencies as it’s unlikely that one agency will be able to supply you with continual temp work on a regular basis.

When you go into the agency ensure that you are clear about the type of work that you are after and the wage that you are willing to work for, often recruitment agents will try to get you to negotiate the wage down as low as possible but realistically you are not going to be able to sustain working for a low wage long term.

Posted in recruitment agency