Monthly Archives: March 2015

Don’t give up on a career that you always wanted

Posted on March 29, 2015 at 1:45 pm

You hear it all to often of people spending years and lots of money training to get in to the profession they have always dreamed about for them to leave within 12 months of starting. This may be for many reasons but often it is due to a bad experience at one particular place.

Within every industry there are a number of different locations and often even types of businesses that you can work in and just because one did not work out doesn’t mean that it is the same every where. Try to analyse why you are not happy. Is it the people you work with, maybe its the way the company is managed or even the type of clientele that you are dealing with? All of these can vary drastically from place to place so before you give up on that dream job, why not try going somewhere else doing to make sure that you have given the job a proper chance before making any hasty decisions.

Posted in Jobs