Monthly Archives: July 2016

Improving your job prospects

Posted on July 31, 2016 at 10:49 pm

If you are in a job position and want to improve your job role and satisfaction at work you may look at how you can improve your performance. When in a job role it is easy to become complacent and start to do the minimum to get by in your job. Over time this may start to show and will not only look bad to your employer but can take away a lot of the satisfaction you have in a job role.

When analysing your performance look at items such as your time management, organisation skills and quality of your work. See what part of your job takes you the longest and why and see what you could do to improve that. If you find that you are struggling in a particular area then you could ask your employer if it would be possibly for you to receive more training either internally or by going on a course.



Posted in Jobs