Monthly Archives: August 2021

Classroom control as a supply teacher

Posted on August 16, 2021 at 1:37 pm

As a supply teacher, it is even more important that you establish classroom control early on.

You will often have to go in to different schools and classes and you may have concerns about how you will handle a new class that you have not taught before.  If you have previously worked in a permanent position in a school, you will have had the opportunity to bond with the class and work out what works best in terms of keeping them interested and keeping a correct level of control. As a supply teacher, you will most likely not have had this opportunity unless you are on permanent supply at the same school.

You need to be able to assert your authority instantly to gain control of the classroom and although you may not want to go in heavy handed, it is better to go in firm and lighten up as the day goes on rather than the other way round. Without control you may find a number of pupils mis-behave which can make it very difficult for the remaining pupils to concentrate and learn what they need to.

Sometimes it can be worth while trying to speak to the TA’s before the class comes in and ask them if there is anyone in particular you need to keep you eye on.  

Posted in Jobs