Monthly Archives: August 2017

Leaving employment to go self employed

Posted on August 11, 2017 at 3:55 pm

If you are toying with the idea of becoming self employed and are currently in an employed position then there are many points to consider before taking the plunge.

With employment, although your job is not guaranteed you have a certain amount of rights which means that you usually will not be laid off without adequate notice or adequate pay. This obviously is not the case in situations of gross misconduct. With self employments you do lose a certain amount of rights, or it is harder to get them. For example you can still claim statutory sick pay and maternity pay if you are self employed but will have to apply for it direct rather than your employer doing it for you. You also lose the right to holiday pay but do have the flexibility to take your holiday when you want when your self employed.

There are pros and cons for being an employee and self employed but you need to weigh up what is right for you in your current situation. If you need the stability of a guaranteed wage then employment may be the best option.



Posted in Employment