Monthly Archives: February 2016

Number of teachings dropping

Posted on February 26, 2016 at 11:26 pm

There has been a lot of talk recently about the education system and the effect that this is having on our teachers. The government have failed to meet the deadline for the recruitment of teachers for the fourth year coming and this is causing concern for many in the education industry.

Many schools are relying on teachers with no more than an A-level to teach their students on a daily basis and this is a worry for many parents and students.

Out of the teachers that are coming through the recruitment system, one in four will quit within their first year. This is an alarming statistic and shows that something needs to be done and quick.

After talking to a number of teachers, they have confirmed that the main reason for leaving the profession is due to high stress levels and lack of support. Many are expected to work well over their contracted hours with very little in return and they feel that they do not have the adequate time or staff members to deal with the students in their care.

Posted in Employment